If you’re a Pastor who wants to start a young adult group, you should:
- Read a book about 20-somethings. See the complete Must Read List.
- Compile a list of Young Adults in your church (18-30 year-olds).
- Pray and fast over that list for 30 days.
- Identify in one sentence where you see your local church going in the next 10 years.
- Example: We want to be a church where everyone feels welcome, people are consistently being filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized, and everyone knows clearly the opportunities to participate.
- Pray and fast for clarity from God on the needs of the Young Adults in your church and how they might connect to the local church vision.
- Host a Young Adult dinner where each person on your list has received a personal invitation. At this event you could spend the first half of the event eating and getting to know the Young Adults in your church. The second half of the event, share your vision for the church, how the young adults are important to this vision, and then brainstorm some ways to connect Young Adults to your church vision. Write the ideas down and make a follow-up plan of action.
- Start a consistent function for Young Adults in your church.
- Appoint a Young Adult leader with written Qualifications and Expectations.
- Set up an annual meeting with leadership to go over goal evaluation.
- Start a Young Adult class and/or service.